Huawei Huawei MediaPad M5 Pro 10.8inch User Manual Page 8

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Upper function button
To clear pictures that you draw, press and hold the upper function
button, and brush over the pictures with your M-Pen.
This function only works with supporting apps.
Lower function button
l To take a screenshot, press and hold the lower function button, and
draw an enclosed circle on the device screen with your M-Pen.
l To capture a full screen, press and hold the lower function button, and
tap the device screen twice with your M-Pen.
l To take a scrolling screenshot, press and hold the lower function
button, and draw the letter S with your M-Pen while scrolling down
the device screen. Tap the scrolling area with your pen to complete the
l To enter a feature app, press and hold the lower function button, and
tap the device screen with your M-Pen to display the oating menu
with feature apps.
In Desktop mode, taking screenshots and displaying the oating
menu with your M-Pen are not supported.
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